Конспект уроку у 5 класі (2 іноземна ) урок № 46 Тема: Природа. Повторення.

Дата ___________               5 клас

УРОК № 46

Тема: Повторення.
навчальна: : активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний  матерiал, розвивати вмiння та навички читання, письма, усного монологiчного мовлення;
розвивальна: розвивати логiчне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережливiсть, вчити уважно стежити за презентованою iнформацiєю, ефективно спiвпрацювати пiд час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовнiсть брати участь в iншомовному спiлкуваннi, логiчно висловлювати думку.
виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, використанні навчального матеріалу в житті, загальну культуру учнів.
Обладнання: підручники, зошити.


1. Привітання.
2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
1) Pronunciation drill.
Stop! Look!
Trams and cars                                               Look to this side,
In our town                                                    Look to that side.
Run up and down,                                         The green says, "Go!"
Run up and down.                                         Now go slow!
Stop! Look at the light!                                 The red says, "Stop!"
First look to the left,                                      Now do so!
And then to the right.
2) Discussion.
Т: Is the traffic in your city heavy?
What have you to do before crossing the street? What have you to do if there is a red light?
Do you like to go on a picnic?
Say about it.
Why do people travel?
Which is the fastest way of travelling?
Why do some people prefer a journey by train to one by plane? Which way of travelling do you prefer?

1. Checking homework.
2. Listen the text "Little Bill".
1) Pre-Listening Activities.
Т: Where do you live? Do you like your street?
What do you see in your street?
Do you see many cars and buses there?
What colour are they?
What have you to do before crossing the street?
Little Bill
Little Bill and his father are in the street. In the street they see a lot of cars, trams and buses. Bill looks at the cars. He sees black cars, red cars, green cars and blue cars.
"Look, Bill" says the boy's father. "Do you see that nice dog?" Bill sees the dog. The dog is little and white. He likes the dog and runs after it.
The dog crosses the street. Bill wants to cross the street, too. But his father runs after him and stops him.
"You must not cross the street when the light is red, my boy", he says. "We must cross the street when the light is green".
"Then why does the dog cross the street when the light is red?" asks Bill.
"The dog does not know the street lights", says Bill's father.  '
2) While-Listening Activities.
T: Agree or disagree with these statements.
    True or False
1. Little Bill and his father are in the street.
2. In the street they see a lot of people.
3. "Look, Bill" says the boy's father. "Do you see that nice giraffe?"
4. Bill likes the dog and runs after it.
5. The dog crosses the street.
6. Bill wants to cross the street, too.
7. His father runs after the dog and stops it.
8. "You must not cross the street when the light is red, my boy", he says.
9. We must cross the street when the light is green.
3) Post-Listening Activities.
а) Answer the questions.
What do little Bill and his father see in the street?
What colour are the cars?
Whom does Bill see?
What colour is the dog?
What does the dog do?
What does Bill do too?
Who stops him?
What does Bill's father say?
What does Bill ask?
б) Roleplay. Dramatize the dialogue between Bill and his father.

1. Домашнє завдання.
Повторити лексику по темі.
2. Підведення підсумків, прощання.
Say what can you now?
Now you can:
-          Describe the weather
-          Phone your friend
-          Write a postcard

Good-bye, my dear! See you next time! 


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